DC v Marvel deep learning superhero classifier
The power of FastAI, PyTorch and ResNet18 with this deep learning neural network model that accurately classifies DC and Marvel superheroes/characters - making it a must-have tool for any comic book database and fandom
AI startup writing assistant
Developed an AI writing assistant that leverages OpenAI’s GPT-3 model to generate high-quality writing for emails, social media posts, and memos, streamlining communication and boosting productivity.
Volcano Eruptions in the 21st Century: Interactive Visualization
A data-driven project that uses Tableau to create an interactive and informative visualization of volcano eruptions that have occurred in the 21st century.
Predicting House Prices using Machine Learning
Showed technical mastery in data cleaning, exploratory data analysis, and feature engineering by implementing several machine learning algorithms using Python libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and ScikitLearn, culminating in a real-time prediction Flask API endpoint that showcases my end-to-end ability
Global Diversity in the NBA Draft
Scraped and cleaned data from Wikipedia on the NBA draft to analyze the diversity of foreign nationals in the drafts.
Bike-share User Analytics Case Study
To facilitate the development of an effective marketing strategy aimed at converting casual users into subscribers, I conducted an
in-depth analysis of one year’s worth of data from a fictional bike-share company, Cyclistic. Using SQL on a PostgreSQL database,
I sought to comprehend the distinctions and similarities in the behavior patterns among different user types.
World Happiness Report: Regional Health Analytics
Utilized data from the World Happiness Report to provide insights on the relationship between happiness and health at the regional level. This data-driven analysis sheds light on the factors that contribute to the happiness and well-being of people in different regions, informing public health policies and initiatives.